Why should we learn Python?

Python, The most popular and in-demand programming language of the present time (As per Google Trends). And as we all know that according to human physiology, we are easily get attracted by the popular things. That’s maybe the reason behind increasing the numbers of python learners rapidly. But in actually so many developer communities like StackOverflow, CodeAcadmey, etc. mentioned the rise of Python as a major programming language in the last few years. So now if you are a programmer than Python should be in your tool kit. Python is the need of the hour and you should try to learn it, It’s easy manhhh… You can get familiar with it so easily.

For a beginner Python is not so hard stuff, It is easy to learn. The syntax is very simple and not so many strict rules like semicolon (;) after every line of code. It is like you are writing simple English with some cheat-codes. Python attracted tech-giants like Google, Facebook, Quora, Dropbox, etc. with its simplicity and elegance. Python codes really increase the efficiency and reliability of any program.

If you sharp mind come across this thought that whether Python is a language for a beginner or an experienced programmer? Whom will it suit more? The answer is straightforward, if you are a beginner than Python is a great option providing simplicity to learn, a large number of resources, and a rich and helpful community. For an experienced programmer, it opens the door to trending technology like Data Science and its subsets like Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Convolutional neural network which can take her skill level to the next level.

Okay, enough discussion, now will see some of the major reason one by one behind the popularity of Python and will see what makes it the most trending-

1. Simple syntax and easy to learn-
Python syntax is straightforward because of its resemblance to the English language. It makes it very handy to use for developers. It uses very few rules to define various syntax. But apart from its simplicity Python is very Powerful. It’s easy to learn feature suites for beginner and attracts them to go with python as there first programming language. It is very efficient and readable, which takes it to another level compared to any other programming language.

2. Market value and demand-
Python is the most used language by so many tech-giants as it is very simple but provides a variety of functionality. If we start naming companies who use Python than it will cover names like Google, Facebook, Quora, Amazon, Netflix, Reddit, Dropbox, and many more. Also, the startup market is highly attracted by Python’s performance, scalability, and robust nature. All this adds great market value to Python and makes it top in its domain.

3. Data Science, Big Data and AI-
Data Science, Big Data, and AI are currently the hot topics of the industry. It is the biggest reason behind the popularity of Python. Python is the most preferable language in all these fields. That’s why people want to learn Python. People want new jobs, they want to work with new technologies, and that why they are shifting to Python from all around the corners of programming. The release of python libraries like Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, etc. makes it not reachable by its competitors like R and Java. Python Supports parallel computing. Its integration with Hadoop as Pydoop makes it a game-changer for Big Data field. Python also shows that with the help of Keras and Tensorflow it can be used to create Artificial Intelligence and simulate human behavior.

4. Computer vision and Image processing-
Python is the key player in computer vision and image processing. It replaces the traditional way of Image matching and provides us more efficient algorithms and techniques to increase the quality of the result. Computer vision plays a key role in trending fields like self-driving cars and Python shows its best features to flourish such fields with its power.

5. Open sources and rich community-
Python is a purely open source which means everyone can help it to move forward. More than 25 years are crossed in timeline and Python has got a rich community of developers and companies who take care of it in every aspect. Community support is very efficient if you face any trouble. The community plays its roles when we are learning a new concept or developing a project. Python community has thousands of developers who always there to give advice or solve your problem.

6. Cross-platform and extendable-
Python allows us to work from cross-platform with the same code. A Python code written in the Windows environment can easily run on the macOS and Linux systems. Python’s extendable properties allow us to perform the cross-language operation. We can integrate any language in python code very easily. This provides the best proof of the power of Python.

7. Libraries, Modules, and Framework-
In the present scenario, the efficiency of a language is measured by the number of available libraries, modules, and frameworks. And Python is the richest programming language in this aspect. All these make application and software development very easy. Libraries like Numpy, Scipy for Data Science, and frameworks like Django and Flask for web-development are some examples of how these resources help in the development process. Python provides great support in debugging and makes it boost-up the speed.

8. Scripting and Automation-
Apart from all most people don’t know that Python is also a scriptable language. In scripting language codes are written in scripts, which can be read and interpreted by a machine, and error checking is performed during run time. These scripts are reusable and can be used next time. Also, Python provides great support to automate any specific task with few lines of codes called automation

9. Web Development-
Python has a bunch of frameworks that help in web-development. Frameworks like Django, Flask, and Pylons most popular for web development. We all know that Python is way faster than any other language. Thus developing a website in it makes is faster and smoother. Python also can be used web scraping where details are fetched from other websites. You will get surprised that websites like Pinterest, Reddit, Bit bucket are fully based on these Python frameworks only. The task which takes hundreds of lines and hours of times can be performed in a few lines and in just a few minutes with the help of Python frameworks

10. Computer Graphics-
Python is used in a large number of projects and it demands a GUI (Graphical User Interface). But Python doesn’t disappoint us here also. It has a library called ‘thinker’ which enables simple and rapid development of GUI’s for various applications. Python also can be used to develop games with the help of the ‘pygame’ module which also can be run android environment.

Python is growing really fast and big time and it makes a lot of sense to learn a growing programming major programming language if you are just starting your programming career. It not only help you to get a job quickly but also it will also accelerate your career growth. Thus, everyone should learn python whether he/she is a beginner or an experienced Python is for all.

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